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Coptic ChristmasFriday, January 7th
Revolution DayTuesday, January 25th
Coptic EasterMonday, April 25th Sham al Nesim
Sinai LiberationMonday, April 25th
Labor DaySunday, May 1st
Eid al-FitrMonday, 2nd May – 3rd May
30th of June RevolutionThursday, June 30th
ArafatFriday, 8th July
Eid al-Adha9th July to 1oth July
Revolution DaySaturday, 23rd July
Islamic New YearSaturday, 30th July
Armed Forces DayThursday, 6th October
Prophet’s (PBUH) birthdaySaturday 8th October
New Year’s Day1st January